Product Review: NutriSystem Weight Loss Program

About the company: NutriSystemI feel ethically responsible to state from the get-go that I am not a believer in diet programs. It is my personal opinion that the only way to maintain good health is by eating a well-balanced diet and exercising as much as possible. That said, I try to be open-minded about sensible solutions to a sensitive subject: losing weight., Inc. provides a weight loss program based on quality foods and a nutritionally balanced meal plan; individualized counseling is the core of our commitment that customers always have the privacy, support and knowledge needed to reach and maintain their goal weight.
The big pitch: Purchase a 28-day program and get a free week of food!
The NutriSystem program is based on an established medical principle - the glycemic index. In a nutshell, when your insulin levels spike too quickly, your body tends to convert your food energy into fat. When this happens, you often feel hungry quickly after eating and thus you consume even more calories. By offering foods that contain “good carbs” (ones that do not cause blood sugar to rise quickly) and that are low in fat, the theory goes that you will be more satisfied with a smaller portion of food. And everyone knows that fewer calories equals fewer pounds.
Since the NutriSystem program provides all meals and snacks, you know exactly how many calories that you are consuming. Subscribers can choose from over 100 pre-packaged meals that are delivered directly to your door. The company also offers vitamins, supplements, and free counseling to help you succeed.
There are other programs on the market that offer similar services. Suzanne Somers' ‘Somersize’ program rejects refined sugar (hence the need for ‘SomerSweet’ artificial sweetener) and complex carbohydrates. However, NutriSystem might be more appealing to busy consumers because the pre-prepared meals take the guess work out of making good food choices.
Programs are available for men, women, over-60's, type II diabetics, and vegetarians, and all NutriSystem products can be ordered either online or through the QVC shopping network. A basic four-week package purchased from QVC runs at a cost of $184.25 (including meals for five days - eat what you want on the weekends), and NutriSystem is currently offering a 35-day program for $279.46, including free shipping.
The Product Trends rating: NutriSystem is a little pricey, but the nutritious meals are delivered directly to your door. And hey, what price can you put on good health? Four stars.
To try NutriSystem for yourself, click the image below:

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