Product Review: McAfee Anti-Virus software

About the company: "Under the McAfee®Protection-in-DepthTM Strategy, we deliver the industry's only complete set of system and network protection solutions differentiated by our intrusion prevention technology, which can not only detect, but block attacks. The McAfee System Protection Solutions and McAfee Network Protection Solutions portfolios are designed to assure the security and availability of the technology that powers our customers' businesses - from the desktop to the core of the network and across the servers that our customers rely on to deliver their competitive advantage."
The big pitch: Proven, comprehensive PC protection for home users.
Here’s the thing, you already have enough problems worrying about the possible avian flu pandemic and terrorists and killer bees and hurricanes - why lose additional sleep over computer viruses? McAfee designs computer protection programs for corporate entities as well as home PC systems, and even wireless technology, which are considered the benchmark in the industry.
McAfee's software can be instantly downloaded from the website or purchased from a retailer, such as Best Buy. Either way, the cost is about the same - the current online price as of the time of writing was $59.99 for the internet bundle (with a $20 mail-in rebate). This provides basic anti-spam, anti-spyware, anti-worm, and anti-pop-up ad protection.
In addition to filtering that pesky online junk, McAfee also offers automatic system scans and security updates that continually monitor your pc for new threats. When a new outbreak is detected, new security measures are downloaded immediately.
So while you are dozing softly in dreamland, the Anti-Virus Emergency Response Team (AVERT), a dedicated band of technophiles, are on duty 24 hours a day, monitoring potential worldwide viruses that could harm your computer, and sending out software patches to keep them at bay. Additionally, the customer service center provides free around-the-clock technical assistance for any questions you might have, so relative newbies can get the same protection that advanced users can get.
It all sounds great - but what about that new internet software you just received in the mail? Didn’t they say something about FREE protection………?
Yes, AOL 9.0 now offers a security edition that features complimentary McAfee protection
McAfee is a great product and, according to their website, one of the largest subscription providers on the internet. If you store personal records and financial information on your PC, be advised that hackers can access this information even when you are not on the net, and the peace of mind that McAfee brings is well worth the money. The downside is the subscription price. Norton Anti-Virus (a leading competitor) offers the same bundle service for $39.99.
So yeah, you may find virus protection that is cheaper, but you won't find virus protection that is more comprehensive, more readily updated, and more effective than McAfee.
The Product Trends rating: Both McAfee and Norton websites provide detailed charts that list the services included in each of their packages, but personally, if I am getting the same thing for my money on either option, I would rather save $20 immediately and forget about a mail-in rebate altogether. For this reason only, McAfee gets 3 ½ stars.
To try McAfee for yourself, click the image below:

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