Product Review: Time-Life Music and Video Products

About the company: “Founded in 1961 as the book division of Time Inc., by 1966, Time-LifeYou are up late one night watching television and you come across a commercial for Time-Life music or video products, and wanted to order but didn’t get the number down in time. Hey, it happens - but now, Time-Life has created a website that you can visit and review all of the music, videos, and other product that they offer, without the need to dig behind the couch cushions for a pen that works.had combined its book offerings with music collections and packaged them as a sturdy box set. Throughout the '70s and '80s, the selection of books, music, and then video grew, diversifying into all genres. Today, Time-Life is one of the world's pre-eminent creators and direct marketers of unique book, music, video/DVD, and multimedia products. The Time-Life name is one of the most recognized and trusted brands in existence today.”
The big pitch: A leader in the sale of music and video products, the Time-Life brand offers great value for quality entertainment products.
How do you find that product you saw on television? Easy - just click on the “As Seen on TV
Want to listen to some of the music before purchasing? That option is also available on the site. If your product includes music CDs, you can listen to a 30-second sample of almost any song you choose
Ultimately, Time-Life is the home of the various artists' box set.
The video side of things is even more impressive, with DVDs of entire runs of classic TV shows, from Columbo to Murder She Wrote, Hee Haw to Second City Television. Even better, Time-Life regularly lists items for sale in their 'clearance' department, with prices dropping from the usual $16.99 to as little as $5.99. In addition, if you buy more items, you earn big discounts - buy 3 and get 10% off, buy 6 and get 15% off, or buy 9 and get a whopping 20% discount.
Customer Service is a number one priority
If customer service matters to you, then Time-Life has our heartiest recommendation. When I called and asked various questions about the products, they were very helpful and easy to speak with. The return policy is fair and clear
The Product Trends rating: If fast, quick and quality entertainment products are what you are looking for, then Time-Life products are for you. Five stars.
To try Time-Life for yourself, click the image below:
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