Product Review: Pixagogo Online Photo Storage

About the company: PixagogoWe're in the digital age, my friends, and that means that a growing number of people - most people in fact - have digital cameras that they take a multitude of pictures with. Friends, family, special events, sports, girls, guys - we snap whatever takes our fancy, and we keep on snapping because nowadays you don't need to pay to get a roll of film processed to see your happy snappys.offers an easy way to upload your photos to our secure data center and share these photos with friends and family, simply by sharing album links. By sharing these compact private album links instead of photos you by-pass e-mail technology limits and you avoid having to resize your photos. That means that viewers will be able to see your photos in all their full-resolution glory and have them printed if they like.
The big pitch: Unlimited photo storage for just $5 per month, create albums, share them with friends and family, order prints - all with a 15-day free trial!
And that's great, because now the memories that would eventually yellow and fade are with us forever! Or are they...?
Whenever you see a big disaster on TV, be it a flood or a fire, the survivors always talk about how they grabbed their photos
Thankfully, you can avoid that kind of heartbreak, by storing your pictures online through a third party service, like Pixagogo
What is an Annoying Photo Emailer? They're the family member or friend who thinks everyone in the world has a cable internet connection and thus should have their inbox filled with 600 large pictures of your newborn son, or your cat, or your ingrown toenail. Such people are a giant pain in the backside, on a par with telemarketers and lawyers, and if you happen to be one of those people... Just stop it. Stop it RIGHT NOW. You're VERY annoying.
So how can you share your pictures with people you care about without overloading Aunt Millie's email inbox? Simple. Get a Pixagogo account today
Pixagogo will take as many pictures as you want to upload, as big as you want to make them, and for as long as you want to keep them. You use your Pixagogo account as a giant storage container for your digital images, and when you're done uploading them, you can then put them into albums that your friends and family can look through free of charge, without any downloading of their own.
Here's how it works: You download a tiny program from Pixagogo that sits on your desktop. Whenever you want to store images, you just drag them to the Pixagogo Uploader
Then, instead of sending 5MB of pictures to everyone you know, you just send them an email with the link to your album
Also, if you see images on your albums that you want real life prints of, you can order them direct from Pixagogo for less than 20c per image
In addition, if you have your own website but have a lot of pictures to put on it, Pixagogo allows you to link to your pictures, so you can use your account as a tool for your online business ventures, at a cost far below that charged by many hosting companies.
Think about this now:
* You'll never lose another photo to fire, flood, or computer crash.
* You'll never have to sit for half an hour while your photos are emailed out to friends and family.
* You'll never again wonder where the photo of Weird Uncle Phil is stored on your computer.
* You'll never again wonder how to store images for your corporate website.
* You'll never have to pay $30 to get prints for relatives that you're not even sure they want.
Pixagogo does all the hard work for you, and in our experience, the software is simple and easy to install, the process in easy, and what's even better - the pricing is dirt cheap. Just $5 per month
And if you're not convinced, Pixagogo offers a free 15-day trial
There are plenty of 'photoblogs' and 'free picture' archives out there, and all of them have limitations on how you can do things. Yes, sure, there are no-price options, if you want your pictures to have watermarks on them, or if you want relatives to have to register with a website to see them, or if you want to delete pictures to make room for more.
But Pixagogo just does what you want it to. It never says "file too large" or "storage space full". Just upload your pictures, arrange them as you like, send the link to whoever, and get the prints that will look best on your living room wall in a nice frame delivered to your door
Pixagogo takes the usual credit cards, but it also takes Paypal, which makes it very easy for the user, and seriously, who amongst us doesn't have a spare $5 floating around in our Paypal account?
The Product Trends rating: A great service, and once that we fully recommend. Five stars
To try Pixagogo for yourself, click the image below:
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