Saturday, September 10, 2005

Product Review: 21st Century Auto Insurance

About the company: "21st Century Auto Insurance is the seventh largest personal auto insurance company in California and insures over 1.5 million automobiles. 21st Century Insurance offers personal automobile, motorcycle, and umbrella insurance in California and automobile insurance in Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, Ohio, Oregon, Texas and Washington. The company receives much of its new business through referrals from current policyholders; the average annual renewal rate of existing policyholders is over 90%."
The big pitch: 21st Century says their customers "report average savings of $200 on car insurance."
Many auto insurers claim they'll insure you online, that their rates are cheaper, and that they give you more, but the reality is that's not always the case. We ran the rule over 21st Century Auto Insurance this past week to see what their level of service, attention to detail and fairness was like, as well as price, and we were pleasantly surprised.

First of all, the company's website is very easy to use, which makes the process of getting a quote from them extremely simple. Just enter your zipcode and hit "go", and the system asks you a few questions, none of which we found too intrusive or hard to answer.

In fact, within 90 seconds of clicking "go", we had a quote for six months of insurance at $485. Compared to others we've tried, that's a very reasonable price, but the process of getting to that price was ridiculously easy and stress-free.

Granted, if we want to go from that quote to actually setting up a policy, it gets more in-depth. You need to have your auto registration, license, existing policies, details of other drivers who will be covered etc - but for the quote itself, you need none of that. Just a zip code and a few vague details of your situation, like the make and model of your car, and how long it has been since your last accident.

Of course, we recommend that before taking out an insurance policy on anything, with anyone, you go through the details with a fine-toothed comb, but our experience with the 21st Century Auto Insurance has been, to this point, a total breeze.

The Product Trends Rating: On ease of use, price, reputation and simplicity, we give 21st Century Auto Insurance a 4-star rating. It would be nice if they covered more parts of North America, but if you live in California, Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, Ohio, Oregon, Texas or Washington state, this company is well worth a look.

To try 21st Century Auto Insurance for yourself and receive a free quote in 90 seconds, click the image below:

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