Product Review: Musicmatch Jukebox Software

About the company: "MusicmatchWhen people talk about music software, they inevitably either mean Windows Media Player, or Apple's iTunes. But those people are missing one very big, very good, very free addition to the jukebox software field - Yahoo's incredible MusicMatch Jukebox 10's combination of personalized music software and services lets music fans manage their music and listening environment in one place. With Musicmatch Jukebox and music services, consumers can buy, record, burn, download, discover, enjoy and organize an entire music collection. At the same time, Musicmatch delivers exceptional personalization through technology not available elsewhere. The patent-pending Musicmatch personalization system learns from millions of community members to deliver tailored music, artist recommendations and valuable services unique to a listener's own tastes."
The big pitch: The internet's best (and free!) music jukebox software. Play and organize your music collection, create custom playlists, burn and rip your own music CDs, and transfer music to your MP3 player - at no cost!
Never heard of it? That's kind of the problem - MusicMatch leaves iTunes and Windows Media for dead
Here's how it works. When you start up MusicMatch Jukebox 10
First, type in the name of your favorite band. Let's say you're digging Dashboard Confessional right now (I know we are), so you type them in. What you get next is a page of their music that you can, if you want, sample for free, or download. But hit the 'artist match' button and you get one hour of random music
Now in case you don't understand the gravity of this, remember all those times you got bored of commercial radio
MusicMatch's Artist Match radio, even if you decide not to spend a cent on monthly subscriptions and pay-per-download tracks, gives you a litany of bands you've never heard of, but which you will absolutely like enough to pursue in the future. And if you REALLY like what you hear, you can purchase the track for download
And even if you don't, an hour per day of music focused on your own likes and dislikes is an incredible deal - especially for free.
We LOVE this software
Yahoo may be a huge company devoted to eating all their competitors and spitting out the bones, but in the case of MusicMatch, they simply have the greatest piece of jukebox software available. And it's free!
The Product Trends rating: Absolutely five stars. This is a piece of software that leaves iTunes and Real Player in the dust, with a music store behind it that competes very well with anyone else out there. MusicMatch gets our strongest recommendation. And it's free - try it now!
To try MusicMatch for yourself, click the image below:
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